The Service Business Times South East Asia | Monday, 29 April, 2024


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Peran Teknologi dalam Meningkatkan Layanan Kesehatan Hewan Peliharaan

Peran Teknologi dalam Meningkatkan Layanan Kesehatan Hewan Peliharaan

Dalam Seminar Nasional PKH UM Sumatera Barat yang bertemakan Tantangan Dokter Hewan Dalam One Health diberikan oleh Dr. drh. Muhammad Munawarah, M.M, Ketua Umum Pengurus Besar Perhimpunan Dokter Hewan Indonesia (PB-PDHI), menyoroti tantangan dan peluang unik yang dihadapi oleh profesi kedokteran hewan dalam era berkembangnya teknologi dan transformasi digital.

Monday, 29 April, 2024

Transformasi Berkualitas: Kreloses Membawa Inovasi dalam Manajemen di Griya Husada Satwa Veterinary

Transformasi Berkualitas: Kreloses Membawa Inovasi dalam Manajemen di Griya Husada Satwa Veterinary

Kreloses adalah solusi manajemen praktik hewan yang telah merubah cara banyak klinik dalam mengelola operasional klinik. Salah satu contohnya adalah Griya Husada Satwa Veterinary di Badung, Bali, Indonesia, yang telah menggunakan Kreloses.

Sunday, 28 April, 2024

Kreloses: Sistem Modern Pendukung Animal Zone Petshop & Clinic

Kreloses: Sistem Modern Pendukung Animal Zone Petshop & Clinic

Animal Zone Petshop & Clinic, yang dipimpin oleh dokter hewan berpengalaman, drh. Uut, telah menjadi destinasi utama bagi para pecinta binatang di daerah ini. Di balik layar, Kreloses, sebuah sistem modern yang mengelola berbagai aspek operasional, telah menjadi mitra tak terpisahkan bagi klinik ini.

Saturday, 27 April, 2024

Kreloses: Membawa Paw Paw Pet Clinic ke Era Baru Pelayanan Hewan Peliharaan

Kreloses: Membawa Paw Paw Pet Clinic ke Era Baru Pelayanan Hewan Peliharaan

Pantai Indah Kapuk, Jakarta Utara, kini memiliki Paw Paw Pet Clinic yang dipimpin oleh Bapak Denis Yonathan sebagai destinasi utama untuk perawatan hewan peliharaan. Selain menyediakan layanan perawatan berkualitas tinggi, klinik ini juga memperkenalkan teknologi terdepan untuk memastikan setiap pengalaman perawatan menjadi lebih baik.

Friday, 26 April, 2024

Meningkatkan Senyum Anda dengan Dentistree Dental Care dan Kreloses

Meningkatkan Senyum Anda dengan Dentistree Dental Care dan Kreloses

Kreloses hadir sebagai mitra yang handal bagi Dentistree Dental Care. Dengan fitur-fitur canggihnya, seperti pengaturan jadwal pasien yang efisien dan pengelolaan rekam medis secara terintegrasi, Kreloses membantu meningkatkan produktivitas klinik.

Friday, 26 April, 2024

Kreloses Shares Expertise with Future Veterinarians at UPM

Kreloses Shares Expertise with Future Veterinarians at UPM

Today was a memorable day for us at Kreloses. As the co-founder, along with Aisya, our product expert, we had the incredible opportunity to serve as guest lecturers for first-year veterinary students at Universiti Putra Malaysia (UPM). We are deeply grateful to Dr. Hariani for her longstanding trust in our services, which has been pivotal from the very beginning of our journey

Wednesday, 24 April, 2024

Kreloses Welcomes Liberty Vet Animal Clinic: Elevating Pet Care in Quezon City

 Kreloses Welcomes Liberty Vet Animal Clinic: Elevating Pet Care in Quezon City

A warm welcome to Liberty Vet Animal Clinic, the newest member of the Kreloses family! Led by the dedicated Dr. Zairah, Liberty Vet is poised to set a new standard for pet care in Quezon City. At Kreloses, we're thrilled to support Liberty Vet as they embark on this journey, providing them with the tools they need to thrive. With Kreloses seamlessly integrated into their practic

Wednesday, 24 April, 2024

Transformasi Berkualitas: Kreloses Membawa Inovasi dalam Manajemen di Griya Husada Satwa Veterinary

Transformasi Berkualitas: Kreloses Membawa Inovasi dalam Manajemen di Griya Husada Satwa Veterinary

Kreloses adalah solusi manajemen praktik hewan yang telah merubah cara banyak klinik dalam mengelola operasional klinik. Salah satu contohnya adalah Griya Husada Satwa Veterinary di Badung, Bali, Indonesia, yang telah menggunakan Kreloses.

Sunday, 28 April, 2024

Kreloses: Sistem Modern Pendukung Animal Zone Petshop & Clinic

Kreloses: Sistem Modern Pendukung Animal Zone Petshop & Clinic

Animal Zone Petshop & Clinic, yang dipimpin oleh dokter hewan berpengalaman, drh. Uut, telah menjadi destinasi utama bagi para pecinta binatang di daerah ini. Di balik layar, Kreloses, sebuah sistem modern yang mengelola berbagai aspek operasional, telah menjadi mitra tak terpisahkan bagi klinik ini.

Saturday, 27 April, 2024

Kreloses: Membawa Paw Paw Pet Clinic ke Era Baru Pelayanan Hewan Peliharaan

Kreloses: Membawa Paw Paw Pet Clinic ke Era Baru Pelayanan Hewan Peliharaan

Pantai Indah Kapuk, Jakarta Utara, kini memiliki Paw Paw Pet Clinic yang dipimpin oleh Bapak Denis Yonathan sebagai destinasi utama untuk perawatan hewan peliharaan. Selain menyediakan layanan perawatan berkualitas tinggi, klinik ini juga memperkenalkan teknologi terdepan untuk memastikan setiap pengalaman perawatan menjadi lebih baik.

Friday, 26 April, 2024

Meningkatkan Senyum Anda dengan Dentistree Dental Care dan Kreloses

Meningkatkan Senyum Anda dengan Dentistree Dental Care dan Kreloses

Kreloses hadir sebagai mitra yang handal bagi Dentistree Dental Care. Dengan fitur-fitur canggihnya, seperti pengaturan jadwal pasien yang efisien dan pengelolaan rekam medis secara terintegrasi, Kreloses membantu meningkatkan produktivitas klinik.

Friday, 26 April, 2024

Kreloses Welcomes Liberty Vet Animal Clinic: Elevating Pet Care in Quezon City

 Kreloses Welcomes Liberty Vet Animal Clinic: Elevating Pet Care in Quezon City

A warm welcome to Liberty Vet Animal Clinic, the newest member of the Kreloses family! Led by the dedicated Dr. Zairah, Liberty Vet is poised to set a new standard for pet care in Quezon City. At Kreloses, we're thrilled to support Liberty Vet as they embark on this journey, providing them with the tools they need to thrive. With Kreloses seamlessly integrated into their practic

Wednesday, 24 April, 2024

Kreloses Shares Expertise with Future Veterinarians at UPM

Kreloses Shares Expertise with Future Veterinarians at UPM

Today was a memorable day for us at Kreloses. As the co-founder, along with Aisya, our product expert, we had the incredible opportunity to serve as guest lecturers for first-year veterinary students at Universiti Putra Malaysia (UPM). We are deeply grateful to Dr. Hariani for her longstanding trust in our services, which has been pivotal from the very beginning of our journey

Wednesday, 24 April, 2024

Kabar Gembira: Kreloses Terintegrasi dengan SATUSEHAT!

Kabar Gembira: Kreloses Terintegrasi dengan SATUSEHAT!

Berita spesial bagi Anda semua! Kreloses, secara resmi telah terintegrasi dengan SATUSEHAT tahap pertama, sesuai dengan regulasi standar yang ditetapkan oleh Kementerian Kesehatan Republik Indonesia, Peraturan Nomor 24 Tahun 2022 tentang Rekam Medis. Integrasi ini menandai tonggak penting dalam komitmen kami untuk menyediakan solusi layanan kesehatan yang lancar dan efisien.

Tuesday, 2 April, 2024

Kreloses Teregistrasi di SATUSEHAT, Kementerian Kesehatan: Langkah Menuju Sistem Digital yang Terintegrasi di Indonesia

Kreloses Teregistrasi di SATUSEHAT, Kementerian Kesehatan: Langkah Menuju Sistem Digital yang Terintegrasi di Indonesia

Kami dengan bangga mengumumkan pencapaian penting di Kreloses, bahwa kami sudah teregistrasi secara resmi dengan SATUSEHAT , sistem informasi kesehatan terintegrasi yang diprakarsai oleh Kementerian Kesehatan Indonesia. Pendaftaran ini menandai langkah penting dalam perjalanan kami untuk sepenuhnya mengintegrasikan solusi kesehatan digital di Indonesia. Apa artinya ini? Pendaftaran registrasi Kr

Thursday, 25 January, 2024

Exciting News for Our Indonesian Clients: Kreloses is Now Registered with PSE Kominfo!

Exciting News for Our Indonesian Clients: Kreloses is Now Registered with PSE Kominfo!

Kepada Para Pelanggan yang Tercinta, Kami selalu berusaha untuk melayani Anda dengan lebih baik, dan dengan niat itu, kami sangat senang untuk mengumumkan bahwa Kreloses telah resmi terdaftar di PSE (Penyelenggara Sistem Elektronik) Indonesia. Apa artinya ini untuk Anda? ✅ Kemudahan Berbisnis: Terdaftar di PSE mengindikasikan bahwa kami mematuhi pedoman dan regulasi terbaru yan

Thursday, 7 September, 2023

The Role of SaaS in Propelling Malaysia to Greater Heights

The Role of SaaS in Propelling Malaysia to Greater Heights

The popularity of SaaS industry in Malaysia is not dwindling any time soon. If anything, the uptake of modern cloud software will only rise. Over the years, we have witnessed an increasing number of companies adopting various software to lighten the workload and increase productivity.

Friday, 27 September, 2019

The Rise of E-Commerce

The Rise of E-Commerce

Over the years, the e-commerce industry in Malaysia is thriving and expanding rapidly. According to Fitch Solutions in November 2018, the sales of e-commerce in Asia are forecast to have a 14.2% increase this year with Malaysia posting the strongest growth at 20%, estimated to be approximately US$12.9 billion in 2022.

Thursday, 28 March, 2019

War of the Telco

War of the Telco

The battle between telecommunication service providers has been a hot topic for a stretch of time since the new government came in place. Ultimately, what does this mean for us? It would appear that great things are on the horizon.

Monday, 17 December, 2018

Vet Diagnostix Exclusive Referral Program with Kreloses: Unlock Your 15% Discount Today

Vet Diagnostix Exclusive Referral Program with Kreloses: Unlock Your 15% Discount Today

We're excited to announce the limited-time relaunch of our Referral Program, effective immediately and available until June 15, 2024, exclusively for our clients in the Philippine veterinary sector. This distinctive promotion offers a 15% discount on the first-year subscription to Kreloses for attendees of the Vet Diagnostix: The Veterinary Practice Forum, scheduled for April 10, 2024,

Tuesday, 9 April, 2024

Kreloses: Up & Coming

Kreloses: Up & Coming

Running a business is not easy but Kreloses is here to ease your burden, take you off repetitive tasks and provide you with immeasurable convenience. Save your time, be hassle-free and work without limitations. Take a look at our video as we bring you along to the journey of on-boarding some of our customers from Kedah and Kelantan.

Friday, 31 May, 2019

A Dialogue with Melaka's Pharmaceutical Services Division

A Dialogue with Melaka's Pharmaceutical Services Division

Recently, the Kreloses team visited Melaka to attend a dialogue with Melaka's Pharmaceutical Services Division together with other veterinarians, pet shop owners as well as zoo and crocodile park owners.

Friday, 5 July, 2019

A Trip Out of Town

A Trip Out of Town

Malaysia is indeed a beautiful and green country, rich with diversified cultural heritage that has fathomless potential in almost everything. Our trip to visit our customers in Kelantan and Kedah only further cemented such perception in our hearts.

Tuesday, 21 May, 2019

Experiences as a Salesperson

Experiences as a Salesperson

I first came into Kreloses as a Sales and Marketing Assistant. It is one of the most important positions in a company since we contribute to the revenue at the end of the day.

Tuesday, 5 March, 2019

Aspire, Influence and Make a Change

Aspire, Influence and Make a Change

It is my fifth year in Malaysia since I returned from Singapore and Australia after a long stay for educational and entrepreneurial purposes. If I wasn't writing this article, I probably won't realise that it has been such a long time since I moved back home too.

Friday, 1 March, 2019

My First Impression of a Vet Clinic

My First Impression of a Vet Clinic

Hi, my name is Grace from the Kreloses team, I am from a small town called Kapit in Sarawak. Being the Sales and Marketing Executive, I am almost always on an adventure with my colleague, Soo, and majority of our customers are in the veterinary industry.

Thursday, 31 January, 2019

Peran Teknologi dalam Meningkatkan Layanan Kesehatan Hewan Peliharaan

Peran Teknologi dalam Meningkatkan Layanan Kesehatan Hewan Peliharaan

Dalam Seminar Nasional PKH UM Sumatera Barat yang bertemakan Tantangan Dokter Hewan Dalam One Health diberikan oleh Dr. drh. Muhammad Munawarah, M.M, Ketua Umum Pengurus Besar Perhimpunan Dokter Hewan Indonesia (PB-PDHI), menyoroti tantangan dan peluang unik yang dihadapi oleh profesi kedokteran hewan dalam era berkembangnya teknologi dan transformasi digital.

Monday, 29 April, 2024

Malaysia and Its Boundless Potential

Malaysia and Its Boundless Potential

Being the content person in the team, I am always on the lookout for fresh ideas and this means I have to drown myself in oceans of articles sometimes. There are many interesting pieces that I stumbled upon but one that particularly caught my eye recently was from CEOWORLD magazine.

Friday, 19 July, 2019

Start Within Yourself

Start Within Yourself

In the light of recent news about several endangered species' population further decline in Malaysia, it is definitely a wake-up call for us to change our daily habits in order to improve mother Earth's health.

Friday, 21 June, 2019

Cultivating Second Chances

Cultivating Second Chances

The increasing number of veterinary clinics in Malaysia is another proof that many Malaysians are animal lovers and are willing to give them a better quality of life. Deemed as one of the best stress relievers, having a pet brings numerous emotional benefits and immeasurable happiness.

Friday, 24 May, 2019

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